Somatic Sexological Bodywork

What is Somatic Sexological Bodywork & how does it differ from Erotic Musing?

Somatic Sexological Bodywork (SSB) is a therapeutic modality that caters to addressing a variety of sexual health concerns in an educational & professional environment. There one may explore body awareness, breath technique & other tools for somatic embodiment.

With SSB — the aim is developing expanded awareness by slowly & mindfully mapping the body. In bringing presence to erogenous zones there is a potential for uncovering greater access to sensation &/or pleasure. While the approach may ease pain &/or result in release of accumulated tension, the session is entirely for educational purposes with focus on the client’s own sexual anatomy & function.

With Erotic Muse work — the aim is playful, seductive, erotic entertainment.

Some clients found that incorporating elements of SSB into their muse sessions left them marinating in deeper states of whole body rejuvenation. I offer the option to weave SSB practices into standard muse sessions after meeting with a client over several sessions or at my discretion, based on their specific needs & aspirations.

Common reasons for seeking Somatic Sexological Bodywork may include, but are not limited to:

  • Scar tissue remediation — circumcision, post-childbirth, & after gender confirmation surgery/ies

  • Early ejaculation or delayed ejaculation

  • Vulva & vaginal pain — such as dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia, & vaginitis

  • Anal pain — anal dyspareunia & pain upon penetration

  • Empowering sexuality for those with disabilities &/or chronic illness

  • Sexuality support, guidance, affirmation, body reclamation

  • Spiritual fulfillment


Assesment Exercises for Intimacy

Consent Practice & Integration

Masturbation Coaching

Scar Tissue Remediation

Genital Mapping & Dearmouring

Gender Expression & Affirmation

Breathwork & Edging

Assessment for Couples

Dating & Intimacy Guidance

Somatic Companionship for Sexual Assault Recovery

Please note:

  • Some of these offerings may need to take course over several sessions — package pricing available upon inquiry.

  • I am a practioner in training & not yet certified in Somatic Sexological Bodywork. I have one additional module to complete before being officially certified. At this time, I incorporate components of SSB into my muse sessions. To schedule a session that is strictly Somatic Sex Education & Sexological Bodywork oriented, email me to set up a consultation.


Erotic Muse